(612) 281-7243 | info@potekglass.com


How old do you have to be to take one of your glass classes?

Students ages 9 - 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian must also purchase a seat for our glass class. Students ages 14 - 17 may attend our glass classes alone with signed permission.

Do I need to bring any equipment with me to glass class?

All tools and safety equipment are provided for our Try-iT! Classes. Our Fundamentals classes, such as Beggining Stained Glass, Cracking the Kiln Code, and Dots and Stringers classes, may require the purchase of equipment and supplies. See class descriptions for more information.

My Class Page Disappeared! How Do I Find It?

You can find information from past classes and classes with full registrations on our class calendar page.

What should I wear to my class?

We recommend all our students wear non-synthetic clothing, such as cotton, and closed-toe shoes.

What if I have to miss a session of a multi-week class?

Depending on which class students are registered for, there may be an option to schedule a $65 private instruction session (which includes one hour of instruction and one hour of open studio) per student to make up the missed class. This option is not offered for all classes; please contact the studio for more information.